Sugar Scrub Recipes

Sugar scrub recipes are easy and quick to make! You can make them for your loved ones, host a sugar scrub making party, or just treat yourself! Personalizing a sugar scrub recipe is easy – make them any scent or color you want, and decorate the jar.

yellow and pink sugar scrubs

I’ve been spending so much time looking at sugar scrub recipes online. You could certainly buy a sugar scrub from the store, but it might be easier on your wallet to DIY.

Sugar scrubs can be a luxurious-feeling part of your skincare routine. I love using them on the rough dry spots, like on my knees and elbows. The sugar can help you wash off dead skin cells.

I just think DIY sugar scrubs are such a cool gift – I would be so excited to get one. Almost as excited as when I learned how fast and simple they are to make! You only need three or four ingredients, a mason jar, and five to 10 minutes.

sugar scrub recipes

When I got my first set of essential oils, I immediately set to work on handmade sugar scrub. They might be one of the easiest recipes to make. If you don’t have essential oils, flavor extracts (like vanilla extract) work, too!

ingredients of sugar scrub

Sugar scrub recipe

I had plenty of scent options. But with Valentine’s Day and Spring ahead, I decided to make Lemon Sugar Scrub and Raspberry Lemon Sugar Scrub. I used yellow and red food coloring, lemon essential oil, and raspberry extract. This recipe is good for one jar, so double or triple the recipe if you’re making multiple gifts or hosting a party.

Yield: 2-3 cups


  • 1/4 cup coconut oil
  • 3/4 – 1 cup white granulated sugar
  • 2-4 drops food coloring
  • 10-15 drops essential oils or extract


  1. Melt coconut oil in the microwave for 20-35 seconds until melted.
  2. Pour sugar into the oil and mix. If too juicy, add a small amount of sugar and mix.
  3. Add food coloring to make the color you desire
  4. Add essential oils and extract drops to achieve the scent you desire. For the lemon raspberry scrub, I used 10 drops of lemon essential oil and 10 drops of raspberry extract.
  5. Store in an airtight container at room temperature.
lemon and raspberry lemon sugar scrub

Sugar scrubs recipes tags

printable gift tags

Add on a cute “Oh Sugar” printable tag, and you’ve got a super easy Valentine treat for those you love. Need it any other time of year? I’ve included non-holiday tags that will make this a perfect gift for birthdays, Christmas, or a housewarming gift!

The best part is, they’ll keep returning the jars and begging you to make more when they finish!

Download your own printable tags here.

How was making sugar scrubs for you? Let us know in the comments!

152 thoughts on “Sugar Scrub Recipes

  1. These are so super cute, I’m trying to come up with a little beauty shop in my area considering the closest one is going on a crazy stressful trip to the local mall (that is if you view the mall like I do ) so these will certainly be helpful.

  2. This might sound like a silly question, but I am new to scrubs so forgive me. I have seen a lot of them need to be stored in the refrigerator, is that the case with these?

  3. My girls made these today & the color did stain their hands! I tried to with three different coloring agents (neon, gel, & regular), but each left a tint even after rinsing. Any suggestions?

    1. AAAHHH! I’m so sorry to hear that Kiki. I definitely noticed a red tint in the shower, but it was gone by the time I was done washing and got out. Boo. I wish I had a suggestion. I’ll do some research and update you if I find out an alternative.

  4. Hey Melanie! I plan to make these and give away as favors for my bridal shower next month. I would like to know if these are for hands, body or face, and how often can they be used (daily, every other day, etc.). Thank you so much!

  5. These sound great! Since my husband’s cancer, I make all of my own skin care products, cleaning products, detergent etc.
    I use organic coconut oil, organic sugar and make my own vanilla extract. What else can I use instead of food coloring?
    Food coloring is not safe to ingest, so I won’t use it on my skin.
    I know that in food recipes they use beet juice for pinkness, but that stains too.

  6. Thank you so much for sharing this recipe! I can’t wait to try it! I was going to suggest, as some of the others were commenting on the food coloring, the juice from frozen raspberries. When I made a peppermint scrub for Christmas gifts, that’s what it called for. I just microwaved 1/2 a handful and used the juice. 🙂 It’s completely organic and doesn’t stain your skin. I hope that helps! I am super excited to try this scrub for the summer!!!

  7. What is the vanilla extract that in the picture used for? I was a little confused with that since I don’t see it listed as an ingredient. Thanks!

    1. Its an option in case you don’t want to use Raspberry Extract. When I started the process and photographed it, I planned to do a plain vanilla, but the raspberry and lemon turned out so good and colorful, I never ended up using it. Sorry for the confusion!

      1. I am seeing so many recipes for scrubs and face/body washes with coconut oil in them. Does this clog the drain?
        I am a little concerned over time that this will cause trouble.

        1. Hi Jody! Coconut oil will not clog your drains because it is a plant based oil and not an animal based oil/fat. I used coconut oil for years without ever having any problems.

  8. Just mage these for my fellow Co workers valentine gift. Super easy! Hubby tried it out and loved it. Hopee they liked them as much as I do. Thank you for this recipe

  9. Hello! I just came across your sugar scrub recipe and was wonder if your printable tags are still available to print? I’ve never made a sugar scrub before and can’t wait to try this!

  10. I see that you say your recipe makes 2-3 cups, but I need to make this for 6 gifts, and hope to find the same jars that you did at Hobby Lobby. Will doubling the recipe be enough or should I triple it?

  11. regard to food coloring, i simply bought soap coloring, thats safe for body. use that instead, thats found in hobby lobby as well.

    where do i found coconut oil? are they in solid form?

  12. This is a great idea, Melanie! I’m going to do this as a craft with my 9-year old daughter for a Mother’s Day gift. 🙂 Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Hello Melanie! Thaks for a recept! 🙂 I would like to make these… but before I have a more questions…
    granulated white sugar: What grain sizes need to prepare the scrubs? As powdered sugar (fine particulate) or granular sugar (coarser, larger particle size)?
    food coloring: do not shut your skin?
    Thanks your ansver 🙂

    1. Hi Andrea! I use and would suggest using granulated sugar. It is course enough to exfoliate where as powder sugar is to fine and would just melt when combined with the coconut oil. Hope this helps!

  14. Thank you so much for this great gift idea! I made this for my mom on her birthday and she loved it! I am going to be making some more for my sisters on Christmas, but I was wondering if it would work if I substituted the lemon oils for peppermint?

  15. Hi, I was just wondering if I can add some Aeroplane raspberry jelly powder into the scrub because I can’t seem to find the extract anywhere else.


  16. Hello Melanie,
    I work for a large community complex. I want to find something simple, inexpensive & DIY for all of the mothers here on Mothers Day. This is my 2 year celebrating Moms on Mothers Day. Last year all moms that showed up got a single carnation w/baby’s breath wrapped in ribbon. Would you or any of your followers have a suggestion for me??

  17. I am making this for my mom for mother’s day! I put almond extract and vanilla extract to make a vanilla almond! Love it! Thanks for the idea!

  18. Question. I made this and left it overnight in sealed container checked it in the morning and was super hard. Is that supposed to happen?

      1. Coconut oil is solid below 76 degrees Fahrenheit so that’s why it became hard. You should be able to just heat it up a bit by running it under hot water or putting it in the microwave of 5 second increments.

  19. Question. I made this and left it in a sealed container all night checked in the morning and it was super hard is that supposed to happen?

    1. I would say they’ll keep for a week that way. I used a tiny jar with a cork for a lid and it stayed fresh in the shower for 2 weeks. As for amount, it makes a small bowl’s worth. I made two little jars with this batch.

  20. Hello!! I’m making these with my daughter and her friends for her spa bday party!! I saw in the store coconut oil in already liquid form, would that work and save the hassle of heating?!?! Thanks!!!!!

  21. This maybe a silly question but when you are referring to the coconut oil in the ingredients parts are you referring to it in its liquid form or as a solid form? I’m just new to working with coconut oil and haven’t understood if any recipe using coconut oil is stating liquid or solid form lol ? I know you say in the process part that you melt it but wasn’t sure if originally it was solid. Sorry if I sound confusing, that’s probably cause I’m confused too ??

    1. Comes in solid in jar and warms to liquid around 76° so refrigerating would make it hard again. You can make it a whipped sugar scrub by using a mixer. It will fluff up the coconut oil. And, any carrier oil like olive, grapeseed, etc will work, hope that helps

  22. Today me and my sister made these sugar scrubs, I made a yellow almond sugar scrub and a green peppermint one. And my sister made a yellow almond one and a green strawberry one. We made a small pot of plain sugar scrub too for our mum to use. This is an amazing idea and we are planning on making a few batches every month or so to give to our family as we are trying to only use vegan, chemical free, cruelty free, environmentally friendly, plastic free products. So this is definitely a good start!!! Thanks for the recipe.

  23. I loved this recipe! I ran out of coconut oil though, so instead I used jasmine oil. My mom’s birthday is coming up and I can’t wait for her to see use the scrub! I also replaced the lemon extract oil with peppermint essential oil, so it still smells fresh. Thanks!

  24. If you use actual berries and take the food coloring out, you get the same color and the fruit brightens your skin tone (and then there is no chance of your skin staining from food coloring)….

    1. Hi, Michelle Van! Yes, it will have a strong scent because you used the lemon essential oil, and it will be good as well because you can smell the aromatic scent of the lemon while enjoying the sugar scrub. My sister also likes the lemon scent, so she included that essential oil with a lemon scent in the sugar scrub. Actually, her room smells lemony too hahaha!

  25. Hi there !

    Thanks for sharing this great recipe. I would like to make some with my 3rd Grade classroom for Mother’s Day. I am wondering if using regular vegetable oil would be ok (like the cheap one) instead of olive oil… as I am trying to keep my budget low. Otherwise would Canola oil work ?

    Thanks for your help.

    1. Hi, Julie! Great! That is so cool and sweet of the children to make one for their mothers. Indeed! You can use regular vegetable oil, olive oil, or sunflower oil, any cheaper will work as long as it is clear and odorless. Share a photo of the sugar scrub activity you did, this will be probably one of the cutest pictures!

    1. Hi, Robin! Yes, you can use sunflower oil instead. When my sister hits laziness, she will just grab my sunflower oil from the cabinet for her sugar scrub! And I think it works, and there is no difference from coconut oil.

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