When you have to leave your child, who is of school age, for about seven hours each weekday, you’re certain to feel conflicted feelings. Even though you are aware that they are away pursuing academic success and personal development, it is only normal to miss them and want to offer them messages of support and love.
When they packed out their healthy lunch, surprise them with a love note to give them a warm feeling while you are away.

Last week, I put out a set of lunch box love notes on my own blog and they were really popular! So, I thought it would be super fun to put out a second set over her at Melanie’s! These are rainbow-riffic and will add a splash of color and love to your kiddo’s lunch box. Best printed on cardstock.
Thanks bunches for having me, Melanie!
If you’re interested in the set of lunch notes I published on my own blog, click below {you’ll need to scroll to the bottom of the post to download them…but I promise they’re there}.
I really did scroll all the way to the bottom and there was no link to download the printables – help??
there’s a CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD image about halfway through the post. Hope that helps!
Thank you! These are so cute!
Super Cute! My son loves to be surprised with a new card each day.. Thank you for sharing these fun ideas/printables!! ??