Creative Uses for Egg Cartons

Who knew there were so many creative uses for egg cartons! Whether you’ve just died eggs for the neighborhood Easter party, or your family just eats a lot of eggs, most people go through a lot of egg cartons. Ā Here are just a few creative uses for egg cartons that will leave you saying, “Oh, that’s so cute!” or, “Why didn’t I think of that?”

creative uses for egg cartons


Egg Carton Art


Drawer Organizers


Math Games

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Card Holder


Birdseed Eggs

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Mini Snack Trays

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Mini Cupcake Travel Case

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Darling Little People Ornaments

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Checkers Game


Flower Lights

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Jewelry Organizer

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Counting Game


Dump truckĀ 

SO many ways to repurpose your egg cartons! Ā What do YOU use your cartons for? Ā I’d love to hear your ideas below!

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