Straw Puppets

Play time with your toddlers and preschoolers doesn’t have to cost a lot of money OR take a lot of time to create.

In fact, some of the best activities are done with things you already have around the house!

To make these straw puppets, I used:

PSA ESSENTIALS animal stamps, paper straws, and washi tape.


 I stamped my animals on cardstock using my PSA Essentials peel and stick stamps

You can grab your OWN PSA custom stamps with a great deal from Expressionary:

30% Off Custom Stamps with coupon code “SPRINGSTAMP” [March 26 to April 9, 2014]


Colored the animals just to add some cuteness.



Then I taped the animals on the straws using regular tape or washi tape.  You can hot glue for a stronger, more permanent hold as well.



What fun things have been your kids’ favorite activities?  I’d love to add to my list!

I am a part of the 2014 PSA Essentials Design Team and received product to create projects.  All opinions are 100% my own.

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