Mickey and Minnie Jars

If you have any Disney fans in your life, these Mickey and Minnie Jars are a must make!  They are perfect for treats or supplies, as a pencil jar, and can even be used as “saving for Disney” banks for the family!  They’re not difficult to make and any Disney lover will smile when they see them!  Kind of hard not to smile.  Minnie and Mickey are just too cute!

mickey and minnie jars


Screen Shot 2015-04-29 at 12.30.10 PMI’m a member of the Make It Fun team for the next few months and my #makeitfuncrafts challenge for this month was to include FloraCraft® Make It: Fun® Foam Balls in my crafting! No problem!  So many fun ideas, but this one, it’s super magical!

mickey and minnie jars

Here’s what I used:

2 Mason Jars (small, big, short, tall, any size mason jar works for this project!

4 FloraCraft® Make It: Fun® Foam Balls (grab a size that looks right with your jar – there are itty bitties and HUGE… and anywhere in between!)

red spray paint

black spray paint

hot glue gun

6-8 round white stickers or white acrylic paint

2 round yellow stickers (think yard sale stickers!)

The really cool part about crafting with FloraCraft® Make It: Fun® products, is all of the accessories you can get to use right alongside your foam.



You can buy:

FloraCraft® Make It: Fun® Foam Balls

FloraCraft® Make It: Fun® Styro Glue

FloraCraft® Make It: Fun® Foam Tools (to cut and shape your foam balls)

FloraCraft® Make It: Fun® Foam Connectors (to connect them together and even to hang them up!)


First, you’re going to want to spray paint your jars, lids, and the foam balls. To keep the foam balls from rolling away when you spray them, stick each one with a toothpick and poke them into a box to spray them.





When everything is dry, hot glue your foam balls onto the lids.  You can keep the mason jar insert in the lid for a closed jar, or glue them to the ring and leave the center of the jar open, depending on what you’re using them for!  Make sure to glue the ears a little at an angle and not straight down as they are in the photo below.  This is a no-no..  They’ll just look more authentic that way!


To make my circle stickers, I used a craft punch and large white labels.

IMG_0292You could also paint on white dots, I am just really bad at getting things uniform, so I went the lazy girl route!  Two yellow stickers for Mickey’s buttons, and you’re all set!

micky minnie jars



These jars make such a great gift idea for teachers, friends, neighbors, or any Disney fan in your life!  The kids would even love getting these with treats at the start of a Disney trip!  So many possibilities for these Mickey and Minnie jars!


mickey and minnie jars





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