Handmade Gift Ideas Anyone Can Make

diy gift ideas

When it comes to handmade gift ideas, I’m usually pretty picky because it has to be something I’m actually able to make.  If it’s got too many steps or too many materials, I just can’t bring myself to either a) figure it out or b) find the motivation to get a big project done.  Here are some wonderful handmade gift ideas that anyone can make – and by anyone, I mean….If I would be able to make it…anyone can!

These are all pin worthy projects!  Please visit the original site if you’d like to pin it for later!

Photo Block

Fingerprint Charm NecklacesFingerprint Charm Necklaces {Wait Til Your Father Gets Home}

Painted Teapot

Painted Teapot { Nat and Gang}

Washi Tape Notecards
Washi Tape Notecards {The Girl Creative}

Anniversary and Birthday CalendarAnniversary and Birthday Calendar {The Thinking Closet}

Painted Cork CoastersPainted Cork Coasters {Uncommon Designs}

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