Elf on a Shelf Calendar

elf calendar

If you’re an Elf on a Shelf lover you know how fun AND hard it is to come up with ideas of mischief every night.  Last year I found myself trying to come up with ideas at 10 pm – or laying down in bed and then suddenly remembering that I forgot to move Ellie to a new spot.  

Ellie definitely kept me on my toes last year!  

I’m not gonna let that silly little Elf beat me this year….

I printed up an Elf on a Shelf calendar with all of the ideas I’ve already decided on.  

You can use this calendar in order, or mark the ideas off as you do them.  It’s nice to have the ideas already decided upon!

Since I have a toddler, this is definitely a simpler calendar of ideas, but you can certainly tailor these ideas for anyone at any age!  

Help your self to my printable calendar so you’re not coming up with ideas at midnight….prepare yourself a tad this year!  

You’re welcome!

elf calendar image

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