Easy Zipper Pouch {tutorial}

easy to sew pouch
When I saw this tutorial at See Kate Sew, it seemed easy enough for a first time sewer – and it was a great gift idea for my mom.  I’m not a sewer AT ALL, so if I can create this pouch, you certainly can make an Easy Zipper Pouch!
It’s the perfect “easy project” if you are busy and a super fun gift for anyone – I think I’ll make up a few just to have on hand!
Here’s how I made it!

You’ll need four pieces each measuring 6 1/2″ tall by 8″ wide. A front, back and two lining pieces. Kate added a label – That was a bit much for me – but if you add one, do it first! And you also need a zipper, about 8″ long.

 Lay your zipper face down on the front piece.  Sandwich it in with the lining piece. Your front piece and lining piece will be right sides together. If you are a poor sewer like me, pin the heck outta that thing!
 Sew a straight stitch at 1/4″.
 Here’s what you’ll have now..
 Iron the edge down smooth and then topstitch close to the edge of the zipper. Repeat with the back and second lining pieces.
 Press the edge with the iron and do a topstitch close to the zipper!

Open the zipper – Pin back and front right sides together and lining pieces right sides together. The end of the zipper should be pinned to the lining pieces.

{sorry, I forgot to take pictures at this point – I was so happy it was actually turning into something, I just forgot!} 

Sew it up with a 1/2″ seam allowance, leaving some room at the bottom to fold it back out.Sew your little hole up with a straight stitch, and make sure you back stitch at each end!  Stuff that lining down into the pouch and…poof – you have a zippered pouch for your lip stuff, money, cell phone, heck – just about anything!

There ya go – a quick and easy zipper pouch tutorial – and I can’t believe I made it all myself!

21 thoughts on “Easy Zipper Pouch {tutorial}

  1. What an incredibly easy and fun tutorial! I'm not a sewer, but I think this is a great beginner project to start with 🙂

  2. Your tutorial is very well done! Even inspires me to make those. I bet my granddaughters would love them, and I could use a new one too!

  3. You write a wonderful tutorial! Thank you so much! This will be a great project to use up some of my stash!

  4. Hi! I'm visiting from Born 2 Impress Blog Hop! I'm so glad to have found you. I'm your newest follower. 🙂

  5. You make that look so easy! And what FUN fabric choices! 🙂
    Thanks so much for linking up to the very first Fun-day Friday!
    ~Bec 🙂

  6. Thank you for teaching me how to do this! I have owned a sewing machine for 10 years now and have made nothing but pillows and drapes. I need visuals to learn and this was perfect! I can't believe how simple!!

  7. These came out GREAT! I have these on my list for my next sewing project (from See Kate Sew's tutorial as well, lol) and I can't wait. I'm glad to see yours came out so great, bec/ I have a fear of sewing with zippers!!! Great job

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