I totally wish I had a redo on my daughter’s first year. NO, I DO NOT want a another child. Same child, redo the first year. I was a hot mess. My emotions were all over the place, so I spent the first year freaking out and not doing things moms today are doing. I didn’t start the monthly baby photos till she was 5 months old, and even then, I didn’t do a very good job.
There are so many creative ways to capture monthly baby photos, but now it’s just too late.
So, I can live vicariously through Pinterest and the rest of you.
I made up Printable Signs for Monthly Baby Photos that are easy for you to print and have ready for each month and have your own creative ways to capture monthly baby photos.
If anything, do it for ME! (insert sad face)
I recommend printing on card stock and putting them in a file folder that you can just have ready to go each month. Set a reminder on your phone that will repeat each month, and it will keep you from forgetting those precious pictures! I made two designs, both of which can be used for boys or girls.
Print and you’re all set!
Download Design One (BRIGHTS)
Download Design Two (PASTELS)
And if you need some other creative ways to capture monthly baby photos, check out this roundup of Monthly Baby Photo ideas!
What fun ideas did you do with your littles? Or, what fun ideas have you done for first day of school photos?
My girl starts Kinder this year, so I have a second chance to redeem myself! Leave photos or ideas below!
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