Ten Things I Love (Movies)

10 things I Love Movies

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Enough – if you are a woman and haven’t had the chance to see this GIRL POWER movie, I highly recommend you find it NOW!  Jennifer Lopez is amazing in this movie and it seriously will make you 10 times braver than you were when you started watching!

The Shawshank Redemption

Shawshank Redemption – These movies are obviously in no particular order because this is BY FAR my favorite movie of all time.  The acting, the characters, the story.  Everything is amazing.  Not to mention Brooks – I cry each and every time! I could watch this movie every day!

The Notebook

The Notebook – if you were to ask me to name a movie that will make a girl cry- this is my choice!  There’s a sweet and sad love story on the outside, and a tear jerker “real reason” behind the story that gets me every…single…time.

dirty dancing

Dirty Dancing – OMG, this movie.  I just can’t even explain my love for Dirty Dancing.  My mom and I spent YEARS watching it over and over and over.  We stopped counting how many times we’d seen it – probably around 50 or 60!  It’s a favorite of ours!


 Footloose Is there anyone on the planet that doesn’t love Footloose?  The dancing is so fun and Ren McCormick…swoon!

can't buy me love

Can’t Buy Me Love – My hubby and I both love the heck outta this movie!  The perfect high school drama flick – And who doesn’t enjoy McSteamy in his younger years?

forgetting sarah marshall

Forgetting Sarah Marshall – funny, just so so so funny!

the goonies

The Goonies – you can’t make a fave movie list without this movie.  The kids are cute, the adventure is fun, and Chunk is perfect!

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Sixteen Candles – I could watch this movie over and over.  It’s just one of my faves from director John Hughes.

Jake is the ultimate hunk and every girl’s dream!

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Rear Window – I bet there’s a whole bunch of people who have never seen (or even heard of) this movie.  It’s my favorite Hitchcock thriller ever and it’s such a mystery!  I still get spooked when I watch it (and I KNOW what’s coming!) Hitchcock has this amazing way of keeping you on edge – which is exactly what this movie does!

What movies would you add to this list?  Which ones are ALSO on YOUR list?

Do you have a 10 Things I Love topic you’d like me to do?  Let me know below and I’ll add it to the schedule!!

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