Heart Cinnamon Rolls

These heart cinnamon rolls are the perfect breakfast treat for your valentines on Valentine’s Day !

 heart sweetheart rolls

To make the heart shape you HAVE TO buy the flaky cinnamon rolls.  There’s definitely a difference between the two.  How might I know this?  Well, I’ll let you decide that one for yourself….{ahem…}

heart cinnamon rolls

The flaky ones actually unroll….

So, take your FLAKY cinnamon roll, unroll – leaving just one small portion rolled.

heart cinnamon rolls

Pinch the bottom to make the point of the heart.  Then, roll the other side in close to the other rolled side, keeping the two sides as symmetrical as you can!

heart cinnamon rolls

Put in a pan and bake according to package directions.

Frost immediately when they come out of the oven so that frosting can melt on those hearts!

There you have it…a simple way to surprise your loves this Valentine’s day…or any day at all!

heart cinnamon rolls


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