All About Blogging Conferences


I’m currently on my way home from HAVEN, my very first blog conference.  I can only imagine the amount of information that will be filling my head by the time I walk back in my front door.  I’ve been blogging for 4 years now, and this year is really the first year that I can say that I’m making something out of my blog.  I don’t just mean money.  I mean, I’m actually DOING THINGS.  I’m attending blog conferences and craft nights and I’m networking with what I consider to be BIG BLOGGERS.  But, what constitutes a big blogger?  Is it someone who makes a ton of money?  Someone who everyone knows just by their first name {i.e. Jamielyn…} or is it people who consistently blog, make connections with others, use social media to connect with people in other areas of blog land, and people who are PASSIONATE about blogging?

I’m not sure what the qualifications are for being a big blogger, but what I DO know is that I’m way bigger now than I was 4 years ago, and I’m even MORE passionate about it NOW than I was back then.  I’m successful in MY eyes, and blogging is something I don’t think I could give up right now!  

For me, attending my first blog conference is a goal on my Blogging Bucket List.  This is my first conference, and I can’t wait to write a recap and share everything I learned.  However, as I was preparing for my adventure, I found a ton of resources out there for people thinking about attending a blog conference, and you know how I love a good roundup!  

Here are ________ resources that will help you PLAN, PREPARE, and get excited for your first blog conference or your second or third!  There’s always new things to learn!

To start, here’s a great Directory of Blog Conferences for 2014 form The B Bar. Choose escort girls from geneve here I know, the year’s half over, but it’s still a great resource to be able to visit their sites and see what their 2015 schedule looks like!





Blog Conferences : The ULTIMATE GUIDE from The SITS Girls



Why You Should Invest In A Blog Conference from The Kludgy Mom



Blog Conference Stalking from Small Is Enough 


The Wallflower’s Guide to Blogging Conferences from Blogging It Forward



Food Blogging Conferences from Eat The Love


Preparing for a Blog Conference from I’m Topsy Turvy



Nine Things You Can’t Live Without at a Blog Conference from House of Rose Blog


20 Totally Random Things I've Learned at Blogging Conferences_thumb[2]

Totally Random Things I’ve Learned About Blog Conferences from Ginger Snap Crafts



5 Things You’ll Gain from a Blog Conference from Fynes Designs



So You Want To Go To a Blog Conference from The Foley Fam

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