Write for Us

ReasonsToSkipThe Housework is an open community that welcomes everyone with an interest in family activities, toy reviews, party and decoration ideas, food recipes, and even practical experiments for kids to enjoy at home! If you are interested in any of these topics and would like to share your DIY ideas, we would love to hear from you and feature your work on our website.

Do you have any creative DIY projects? Join and share your ideas with us!

If you wish to share your work on our website and contribute to our collection of resources, submit your piece of writing and our editorial team will consider it for publication. Before that, be reminded of our article guidelines below to ensure that we provide our community with original and useful content.

  • We encourage DIY home design projects that are creative, tasty recipes, travel, and activities for kids. (or any ideas that are relevant to our platform)
  • The article must contain at least 1000 words.
  • The article cannot feature any advertising or marketing material.
  • A brief biography of the author must be included.
  • A plagiarism check on the article must come back as 100% unique.

The editorial team of Reasons To Skip The Housework has the following rights to:

  • Edit and enhance the received materials to be published.

*We will not publish your content without your final approval

  • Reject any content that does not follow our guidelines.
  • Reject any content that has already been published online.

Your personal experience with DIY home projects can help the readers in our community expand their knowledge and find new and exciting activities to try at home. So, what are you waiting for? Get your creativity going and submit your piece of work!

If you need additional guidance, you can reach a member of our team via email. We’ll gladly answer any questions and assist you through your first submission.

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